"Magika - The Practice of the Presence of God for People with Cancer"

Rajski, Piotr. (1999). "Magika - The Practice of the Presence of God for People with Cancer ."
81 pages. ISBN 0-9685539-0-7.
$ 8.00.

The book deals with spiritual and psychological problems of the terminally ill. The author believes that cancer is a result of alienation of human beings from their own bodies, emotions, thoughts, other people and God. His main thesis is that is it easier to go through the ordeal of cancer if someone has a vivid faith in God. This vividness is achieved through the practice of God’s Presence within and without one’s organism. The book offers practical suggestions how this practice may look like. Practice of the Presence of God is also excellent way of achieving peaceful transition. God in this book is seen from so called "interfaith" perspective. Thus the book should be acceptable for people of any denomination.

This book can be ordered at the Roche Miette Books, 576, Lessard Drive, Edmonton, AB, T6M 1B2, Canada. Telephone/Fax: (780) 482-5353. E-mail: rajski@shaw.ca. You may pay using your Paypal account. It is secure.


The book costs only $ 8.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling. In the context of thousands of dollars that are spent by sick people on conventional and alternative treatments, this is a very small investment.

Introduction to the book.

Last cover page

About the Author

You may also find some information relevent to the Practice of God's Presence on One God Site.

Last updated: 2010/01/17
